Monday 6 November 2017

TV adverts costs

This is a very rough diagram of the different adverts that were shown at these specific times. I only decided to focus on on programme at each time which were divided up into times of he day so like morning, afternoon and night but some like in the morning I couldn't really do because id didn't have time but around tea time I jotted down the ones that were on. There were some thing were I thought "oh yeah"theres a reason for that, Ch5 around 5-6pm was showing the show home and away which is intended for those of the older age and the adverts they were showing were adverts like skin care and boots, which is also stuff that is mainly targeted at those who are older. The Simpsons at the same time kids are going to be sitting down watching telly possibly with their parents so what a better way for them to make money and promote things that are targeted for those particular people, mainly kids stuff so when they see it they're like "oh mum look at this" and then there parents are going to want to buy it. ITV at 5-6 pm and 7pm were showing programmes like the chase and emerald shows that are normally watched by older people seeing as there usually around in the house by then as middle aged people are normally getting home around then, what a better way to promote things like homeware, food, gala bingo which is all targeted at those who they're expected to watch the programme. BBC1 and BBC2 were basically the same on their adverts which weren't that often would usually contain indents made to promote the actual channel.

This is the link to the website that I found really insighting when discovering what it actually costs to make the adverts in between each show, I found out that shows like CH4 and CH5 were much cheaper than ITV which isn't really surprising because more people watch ITV compared to the other channels.


  1. Well done Ben, informative and hopefully an eye opener to you regarding the costings of TV adverts.
    Please keep watching the adverts as we go along and consider how much money is made, used to create the ads.
    Mrs McD-H

  2. Well done Ben, informative and hopefully an eye opener to you regarding the costings of TV adverts.
    Please keep watching the adverts as we go along and consider how much money is made, used to create the ads.
    Mrs McD-H
