Thursday 30 November 2017

Straight Outta Compton vs I, Daniel Blake

This is a brief analysis of the two films were studying at the moment, Straight outta Compton and I, Daniel Blake. The PowerPoint includes a brief descriptive of them both and an analysis on film institutions in general.

1 comment:

  1. A post that demonstrates a clear understanding of the institutional working behind the film industry. It is interesting that the critic tend to average higher cores for indepenants than the big block busters. I wonder if this is due to franchise elements of Hollywood where sequels are churned out for box office taking at the detriment of a good story, independents rarely have sequels and therefore tend to presumably have stronger first story lines. Maybe also it could be cast - think about how this might impact who’s in the films and the performances we might see? the be careful to spell check (caret instead of create) very in-depth we will work on filtering the information to extract key points to back up any arguments we make in the final essay in the exam.
