Friday 20 October 2017

Designing Horror Movie Cover

With our assignment of creating out own Horror movie poster we designed four cover that we would get inspiration from when designing, we also went I to the schools green screen to capture out images that we would be using within our designs, I chose the puppet design and the scarecrow design to the photos of, I will be incorporating these images into my design. Im thinking of using the scarecrow design altogether, I like the setup of it with the house on top of the hill and the field of grass I think I could manipulate that into making my own horror poster. I wasn't that fond of the Balloon poster I thought ti was a bit plain and boring and the Zombie Vs Vampires didn't really catch my eye wither, the puppet design is another one I'm thinking of because there aren't that many horror films that consist of Killer Puppets compared to vampire and zombie films. Overall this provides me with a nice start so when it coms to designing I know what I'm doing.

1 comment:

  1. really quite nice thumb nails - good codes and conventions well done- make sure you use these layouts when we do our real poster in photoshop.
