Thursday 5 October 2017

Decoded Written by Jay Z & Bing

Decoded written by Jay Z was shown to the world through an idea that hasn’t been used before. With all the pages scattered across the world it was able to view by a lot of people of different ages, genders and ethnicities. With the help from the century Bing it gained more attention due to all of the young people of the world getting aware through social media such as twitter and the internet if he didn’t use Bing for a bit more support than his book wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction as it has with him using Bing seeing as so many social groups are using the internet in todays society. The book itself represents Jay Z personally as interesting and creative as this wouldn’t usually be something that people would associate with him doing. With every page in a specific place representing the story on each of the pages interests and engages more of today’s society. With the alternative ways of media like billboards, plates, T-shirts and a car is more appealing to everyone seeing ass everyone’s used to seeing it on a commercial or the newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. you have covered the main thrust of the campaign - a more visual heavy piece showing some of the unusual placements of the pages would have been good, a little more about the impact on Bing as well a Jay Z was needed.
