Tuesday 3 October 2017

Denotation and Connotation// Adele and Kendrick Lamar

With this assignment we had to analyse the music cover for Adele 25 and Kendrick Lamar's 'Good kid in a bad city' I discussed the differences between them both and the denotation and connotation aspects of the album covers.

Adele 25 music cover

Looking at this album cover, it is different in certain ways to the album cover of Kendrick Lamar. But looking at Adele's cover there are a few things that people seem to miss when looking at it, there is a more meaningful reason to the design of this album. There are denotative and connotative elements to this music cover which can be seen completely different to everyone. The album itself is in black and white except for the number 25, the reason behind this is because she must want everyone to recognise how long she has been creating music for and that she is appreciative that everyone has stuck by her and listened to her music throughout her years doing it. Looking at the album the main focus is on her face seeing as it covers most of the page, there isn't anything on her face, no jewellery it's just plain and pure which could reflect on the type of music she has produced in this album. There isn't anything else on the music cover just her name in big writing, this signifies that main purpose of this album and how she only wants people to know that this is her, there nothing else to it she's just herself. Adele's eyes are have a hint of relation in them signifying how her music reflects her and her life. 

Kendrick Lamar Good kid in a mad city music cover

Kendrick Lamar's music album "Good kid in a mad city" represents another type of music genre, looking at the album cover the main thing that catches your attention is the title of the album, with putting it in large capital letters must signify the importance of this album to him as normally putting text into capitals usually means they're shouting something and in this case, it’s the title. The cover itself is very dark and depressing which could symbolise the time he had growing up. Kendrick on the album looks like he's thinking or dreaming about something, the use of him playing with his thumbs could also represents him contemplating. Kendrick is coloured so this denotes the type of music he must be presenting in this album which is Rap/R&B music and maybe smooth listening. Looking at Kendrick himself he's dressed quite smart, theres a slight image of a bracelet at the bottom of the cover and his hair is nice and smart, its not all messy its clean and short which connotes that he's wealthy thanks to his music. 

Similarities and differences 

Both of these artists are seeking different audiences and you   
can tell by their different covers, you could say their genders connotes the different audiences they're putting their music out to, but then it could be for both men and women. Adele normally produces music that’s very soulful and looking at the cover it’s very slick and clear which could signify soulful music, the cover doesn’t really give off a Rap vibe which separates their target audience. Kendrick's on the other hand gives off a Rap vibe not just because of the colour of his skin but because of how the album is set out and how he's dressed. There is also a parental advisory label on Kendrick's cover which is there to warn those under age that there is offensive language within the music so that could signify his target audience is aimed at more of the older social groups where as Adele's doesn't consist of any foul language so its open to all ages.

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